Today, Health and Safety forms the basis for planning and management of all work activities. Health and Safety is the first consideration and is used as a management tool, as well as ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our work force.
We strive to promote positive attitudes and behaviours and it is expected that every team member understands and commits to the Health and Safety policies and procedures that are put in place to safely manage and co-ordinate all business activities. Our worker engagement program was recognised as outstanding and then recommended to HSE for a case study.
With the ever increasing focus on health and the poor statistics of occupational ill health, we have developed an occupational health program which employs a nurse to carry out health surveillance on our employees. This allows us to understand whether our control measures are effective in protecting our workforce, and also prevent any existing issues being exacerbated.
Aside from our own expectations, our clients also place demands of the highest standards in the industry, and through conformance with these standards we are able to grow our reputation as leaders in Health and Safety.
We constantly look for areas to improve our systems by innovation. We introduced the ‘Thumbs Up’ procedure whereby groundworkers are not allowed to approach mobile plant without obtaining the drivers attention and giving the thumbs up.
Training is provided to all employees as required by their role. This investment affords a firm foundation for continuous development of our positive health and safety culture.
Our Health and Safety management system is externally audited and certified to ISO 45001.